What Food to Eat and Avoid After Dental Implants?

What Food to Eat and Avoid After Dental Implants?

Jun 02, 2022

Although dental science has advanced dramatically in the past few decades, millions of Americans suffer from dental ailments and teeth loss due to various periodontal diseases or dental trauma. For a long time, the only treatment for lost teeth were dentures and dental bridges. The latest improvements in dentistry offer dental implants. Dental implants are available at the dentist’s office near you.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are surgical procedures to replace the roots of an impacted tooth with metal screws and substitute the missing or damaged tooth with artificial teeth or crowns. Dental implants are a viable substitute for traditional dentures and dental bridges.

Dental implants provide a strong foundation for artificial teeth, mostly made from titanium, as the metal posts are embedded into the gums. The pontic or artificial teeth are placed on the metal post and serve the functionality of permanent teeth without affecting the aesthetic value.

The preparation for dental implant surgery is unique, and the planning involves visiting the dentist in Tampa to assess the oral structure and condition. The periodontist can also be consulted to get a good idea about the jaws’ design and whether bone grafting is necessary.

Dental Implant Procedure

The dentist or hygienist starts with a comprehensive dental examination of the oral cavity, including the jaws and underlying bones. Digital x-rays and 3D images can depict the oral cavity. A review of your past medical history is critical. You should reveal your medical condition and the history of the medicines you undertake. People suffering from heart conditions or orthopedic implants might be advised to take certain antibiotics to prevent infection.

The orthodontic surgeon places the metal post surgically by incision on the gum. Holes are drilled in the jawbone to attach the titanium post. You must wait a few days until the place or surgery heals. The titanium post fuses with the jawbones in due time by osseointegration.

Once the metal posts are firmly placed in the jaws, the abutment is placed on the posts on which the crowns are attached. This can be done through a minor surgery under local anesthesia. Dental implants have a success rate of almost 98%, and with proper care, implants can last a lifetime. The advantage of implants is that the procedure does not affect adjacent teeth, and you can opt for single-tooth dental implants.

What to Eat After Dental Implant Surgery?

The first week or two is most crucial after the dental implant surgery. It is better to consume very soft food and a liquid diet up to a week after the surgery. Avoiding hot and cold food and beverages is the best way you can help to heal the site of surgery. You may include the following in your diet:

  • Yogurt
  • Scrambled egg
  • Protein drinks without sugar
  • Cheese and macaroni
  • Soft bread
  • Applesauce
  • Soup, but better to avoid tomato-based recipes
  • Milk
  • Oatmeal
  • Soft fruits such as peaches, bananas, and berries

A healthy diet with adequate protein, complex carbs, fibers, minerals, vitamins, and unsaturated fat can help you recover faster. You can also start eating the following after two weeks of implant surgery:

  • Cooked beans
  • Unprocessed and fresh fruits
  • Lean cuts of pork, beef, and turkey
  • Whole grain bread
  • Fresh vegetables

What Food to Avoid After Implant Surgery?

It would be difficult to eat immediately after the implant surgery. It is recommended to avoid the following foods:

  • Apples
  • Corn chips and potato
  • Hard taco shells
  • Carrots
  • Ice cubes
  • Streaks or any form of meat that needs chewing
  • Spicy food
  • Sticky food like caramel

One of the advantages of dental implant treatment is that it allows you to eat normally once the recovery period is over. Certain good choices can elongate the longevity of dental implants. It is recommended to avoid intensely colored beverages like tea, coffee, and red wine. Avoiding sugary foods to promote decay-causing bacteria in the oral cavity is also better.

Apart from avoiding particular food, it is recommended to visit the dentist at regular intervals. While looking for dental implants in Tampa, FL, you may book an appointment with New Tampa Smiles and avail competitive advantages of a multilingual office, personalized care by friendly staff, and modern technology.

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